Sunday, June 21, 2009

no neighbors... no fun?

So when we moved into this house I was a baby, and our surroundings were very different. Across the busy road, a small forest was there to explore. A field next to us held blackberries and animals, both of which invaded our yard on a daily basis. We has a few neighbors, the old man above us, who I only ever saw talking to my dad. There was Jade with her mini reserve, with plants and animals galore. I only had one true neighbor, the house sitting right next to us with a large yard we would often play baseball in. The family with a son, my brother's age, moved away long ago.
After they moved things changed, houses replaced the forest and field, cramped together, so close that when standing between two, you can touch the smooth paint of both houses. The houses took away the view, the adventure, the mystery. I was so confused that morning I awoke to dust in the air and the green trees on the ground. I felt like they took away my land, my childhood.
I got over it and moved on, happy that maybe I would have neighbors again. But I later found it wouldn't happen. The small playground didn't hold new friends, the half million dollar houses weren't inviting; I stayed to my house most of the time.
Sometimes something sparks inside, whenever I watch a movie about teenager best freinds, next door neighbors that spend every day together I wish I had it, instead of my lonely little house that I really do love. I want to be able to walk to someones house, watch a movie and stay for dinner. I doubt it will ever truely happen, I have my friends, and not many live close, not many like living next to the local cemetery, or on a busy street.
I love my house, and I have great friends, so thats all I really need.

PS: Its raining beautifly today, a thunderstorm is here it amazing. Happy Father's Day

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